You will agree with me that ninety nine percent of the world population, working on the left side is simply because that is the side they were taught in schools .When they left school they became deeply in debts in the sense that they are ready to do any thing or job just pay the bills. Many times i came across many young people who recieved their university degree along with the bill for their university loans.Several of them have reported being depressed,when they found out they are about $100,000 to $300.000.00 in debt for their university education.When their parents paid for their bills ,their parents are strapped financially for years .So make yourself for ever millionaire,stop asking fo loan.
I understood that most people today will recieve a credit card while still in school and will be in debt for the rest their life ,that is because they are often following a script that was popular in the industrial age.When you take a look at a life of an average educated people ,their financial script often goes like this,the child goes to school after graduation he or she found a job start new life,living big ,he or she can afford to rent an apartment,buy electronics sets,new clothes,furnitures and fine car, later the bill begings to come .The graduate later one day met a lover and got married and now they can afford to buy house because of they double income and they drow big party and live in mortage house. Later they got a child and the child is now school ,they couple worked harder to meet their financial standard because they are three monthts away from financial bankruptcy.So do want or like to be trapped by debt or manage your income ,living under debts or loans is an industrial age format which is old school,the new format is information age which is new a school ,living big by managing and making your own income both as student or house wife.
MY dear readers do not be trapped .i wish you debt free ,income pipe for not miss this blogs for loaded information.Nice time be richer